In celebration of our Olympic gold rush the past couple of weeks, we are naming a selection of buddies in honour of some of their favourite Olympic Gold medallists!
Meet Kenny - (Jason Kenny - cyclist). Kenny is a super smart little monster and wants to grow up to be a nuclear physicist, rocket scientist or neurosurgeon. Kenny likes bubblegum, lasagne, lollipops and a nice glass of cold milk. He dislikes liquorice and his favourite word is “doodle”.
Introducing Alistair (Alistair Brownlee - Triathalon). Alistair likes strawberry flavoured jelly, bowling and karaoke. His best friend is his pet turtle Johnnie and his favourite word is “blimp”. Alistair dislikes peanut butter, is allergic to lemons and has a phobia of worms.
Say hello to Ainslie (Ben Ainslie - Sailing). Ainslie is a shy monster who would love to be cool but is socially awkward! He likes chocolate chip cookies, martial arts and medical dramas on TV. Ainslie dislikes confrontation and is afraid of bullies.
Introducing Jessica (Jessica Ennis - Heptathalon). Jessica likes beach holidays, pineapple juice and loves collecting goofy knick-knacks. She likes to exercise and is addicted to going to the gym. Jessica's favourite colour is purple and she has a pet goldfish called Mr Smith.
Meet Bradley (Bradley Wiggins - Cycling). Bradley likes pitch and putt golf and going to the movies. His favourite colour
is green and he has a pet iguana called Peanut. Bradley is afraid of flying and
dislikes marmalade.
Check out all out new Olympic Buddies at Dawanda.